
STAGE 1:冒険の旅立ち


STAGE 3:新しいメンバー

STAGE 4:敵地に忍ぶ父親

STAGE 5:疑われた侍少年

STAGE 6:真犯人は元帥
STAGE 7:5人の仲間たち

STAGE 8:極寒に負けず合体だ!

STAGE 9:最高司令官の過去

STAGE 10:国王の本気の出撃

STAGE 11:最後にして最強の刺客

STAGE 12:兄弟の力で蹴っ飛ばせ!

STAGE 13:王子よ、宇宙へ・・・

STAGE 14:宇宙へ向かう仲間たち
STAGE 15:隕石群を超えて

STAGE 16:母親との愛で奇跡を起こせ!

STAGE 17:本社までの道のり

STAGE 18:巡査、祖父との再会

LAST STAGE:最終決戦!アリカ姫を助け出せ!

Heavy-Near Animation Entertainment

Flight And Drive - Completed
Chuck Felix The Professional Gamer - Completed

Flight And Drive 2: Horoscope Messiah - Completed

Dr. Chris The Father Of 999 Girls - Completed

Frank And The Patrol Pirates - Completed

Hyper Luke - In Progress

The Great Journey Of The Space Magical Girls - In Progress

Dr. Chris 2: The New Crisis From The Dark - Completed

Dr. Chris 3: The Further Fear From The Dark - Completed

Chuck Felix 2: Game Of Armageddon - In Progress

Spark Fu - In Progress

Cosmo Jewelry Knights - Unreleased
Flight And Drive 3: The Third Strike - Unreleased

Frank And The Patrol Pirates 2 - Unreleased

Dr. Chris 4: Welcome To The Another Universe - In Progress

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